الخميس، 22 سبتمبر 2016

Food Tips for patients with hyperthyroidism

Food Tips for patients with hyperthyroidism

Overactive thyroid gland (lurking in the neck provider) may leave traces affect various organs of the body, starting with the hair, skin and nails, passing through your digestive and cardiovascular system and the reproductive system and the optical device, and the end of the nervous system and musculoskeletal and psychological case.
It can be in excess of the levels of the thyroid hormone that speeds up the body's metabolism, leading to a group of prominent symptoms, such as anxiety, nervousness, hyperactivity, insomnia, weight loss unjustified, along with other symptoms vary from one person to another.
And controls the thyroid hormones in appetite metabolic processes that take place in the body, the greater the activity of the thyroid increased weight loss, but this may not happen in all cases, there are those who gain weight instead of losing as a result of the increase in imports of calories through food. And the treatment of hyperthyroidism as certain treatments usually give good results through which patients can control symptoms that complain about them, but that should not 
obscure dietary tips that will help the gland, these include:
- Mitigation of eating certain foods, such as salt, marine algae, seashells, plants that grow next to the seas and oceans because they contain high amounts of iodine can damage the work of the thyroid gland.
- Avoid taking dietary supplements and multivitamins, which includes significant amounts of iodine.
- The consumption of vegetables, the Crusades, Kalqrnbit, broccoli, cabbage, kale, these foods hinder the production of thyroid hormones.
- Reducing substances that stimulate the production of thyroid hormones, such as tea, coffee, refined sugar, cocoa, and other beverages containing Alkaviian.
- Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals, because excessive thyroid activity associated with digestive disorders that hinder the absorption of food available in the elements.
- Care to eat sufficient amounts of protein per day to maintain weight and maintain muscle mass.
- Secure a sufficient amount of limestone contained, along with vitamin D, in order to overcome the problem of bone fragility associated with excessive thyroid activity, and this is what ensures a solid and strong bones.
- Consumption of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids that improve the cell's response to hormones the thyroid gland.
- Reduce the intake of fast foods, sweets and refined foods and fries.
- Put the ginger on the list followed the diet because it is rich in minerals, especially zinc, magnesium and potassium, as well as other elements are the thyroid gland in need.
- The use of boiled herb coneflower (Alacinsaa), it has been shown that it works to regulate the thyroid gland and contributes to strengthening the work of the immune system

Way charge your mobile phone through an orange and an apple

Now with an exclusive way to know how to charge your mobile phone through orange or by apple
Yes, my brother, they untested way more than once, you can watch the way from here

هل انا من عباد الله الاتقياء الذين ذكرهم الله فى كتابه العزيز ؟

هل انا من عباد الله الاتقياء الذين ذكرهم الله فى كتابه  العزيز  ؟

دائما ما يسئل المرء نفسه هل انا من عباد الله الاتقياء هل ربي راضي عني .. ؟!
اخي بمجرد من انك فكرت فى هذا الموضوع فهذا يجعلك من الاشخاص الذين لديهم حب من ربهم اي ان باب التوبه وباب الاستغفار مفتوحان  لك لكي تعود الي ربك .. نوفر لك الان اخي بعض النصائح الاساسية لكي يكون الله راضي عنك وعن اعمالك 

وهم " اركان الاسلام"
يجب اختبار نفسك هل ستحصل على الدرجه النهائيه فى الاختبار

1- الشهاداتان

" درجتان " 

2- الصلاة " عمادالدين " 
" درجتان " 

يجب عليك اخي المسلم المحافظه على صلاتك . 

3- صيام رمضان 

هل انت ممن هم صحتهم بخير ويصومون شهر رمضان 

" درجتان " 

4- ايتاء الزكاة 

هل انت تتصدق بمالك وقم زكاتك على اكم وجهه 

" درجتان " 

5- حج البيت

" درجتان " 

اي انه اذا كنت تتبع احكام هذه الايات فانت تسير فى الطريق الصحيح اخي .

إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ الصَّالِحَاتِ وَأَقَامُواْ الصَّلاَةَ وَآتَوُاْ الزَّكَاةَ لَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلاَ خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلاَ هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ(277)
سورة البقرة
وقلنا: إن كلمة "أجر" تقتضي أنه لا يوجد مخلوق يملك سلعة، إنما كلنا مستأجرون، لماذا؟ لأننا نشغل المخ المخلوق لله، بالطاقة المخلوقة لله، في المادة المخلوقة لله، فماذا تملك أنت أيها الإنسان إلا عملك، ومادمت لا تملك إلا عملك فلك أجر "لهم أجرهم عند ربهم". وكلمة "عند ربهم" لها ملحظ؛ فعندما يكون لك الأجر عند المساوي لك قد يأكلك، أما أجرك عند رب تولى هو تربيتك، فلن يضيع أبداً. ويتابع الحق: "ولا خوف عليهم" لا من أنفسهم على أنفسهم، ولا من أحبابهم عليهم، "ولا هم يحزنون"؛ لأن أي شيء فاتهم من الخير سيجدونه محضرا أمامهم.
وبعد ذلك يقول الحق:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اتَّقُواْ اللّهَ وَذَرُواْ مَا بَقِيَ مِنَ الرِّبَا إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ(278)
سورة البقرة
الاثنين، 19 سبتمبر 2016

IT Sales require you ask questions of your customers so you

IT Sales require you ask questions of your customers so you know their needs. Find out if you can help the customer with a technology assessment, IT audit, or site survey then get them to sign on for IT sales

When you first meet with IT sales prospects, you'll want to get them talking about their top 3 problems. You may learn that the problems your prospects have  ones you or your network of partners or subcontractors can help with. In this case, you are barking up the wrong tree and should move on. But it's very important to get your prospects talking if you want IT sales. 
Ask about Their Prearen'tferences
Get them to talk about what they like and dislike about how they’ve gotten IT support in the past. This can also give you a tremendous number of clues as to what they’re looking for.  
You also need to figure out at this first meeting if they have an emergency that has to be addressed in the next 24, 48 hours, 72 hours, or are they looking more for an IT audit, site survey, or technology assessment with IT sales. 
Every once in a while they’ll throw you a curve ball and prospects will want something totally different.  It won’t be an emergency and they won’t really need a tech assessment, but most of the time, those are what they need.
Bring Your Clients to the Next Step
If you want to move from free to fee, if you want to move from sitting there and playing brain-picking-101 in the IT sales call to them writing a check to your company or signing on a credit card authorization for IT sales, then it’s really important that you find out.
Make sure that you have something ready to offer them, that you have proposals that easily take care of their needs.  Even better is to bring the blank forms with you so you’re ready to have them sign on the dotted line for IT sales.
Copyright MMI-MMVI, Small Business Computer Consulting .com. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

السبت، 17 سبتمبر 2016

New developments in injury best players in the world, "Messi"

He confirmed FC Barcelona, ​​Spanish Primera Liga soccer champions, the midfielder Lionel Messi, will be sidelined for three weeks due to a thigh injury suffered in the match which ended in a 1-1 draw with Atletico Madrid on Wednesday.
He left Messi, winner of the best player in the world award five times in the second half, before a short period of Atletico achieve a draw.
The officials said Barcelona in a statement: "Lionel Messi suffering a stroke in the right thigh and will be sidelined for about three weeks."
Accordingly, Barcelona's top scorer will miss both legs of Sporting Gijon and Celta Vigo in the league, as well as face Borussia Moenchengladbach in the German Champions League.
Moreover, Messi will miss both legs of the Argentina team in Peru and Paraguay in the World Cup to the continent of South America's qualifiers.

In the case of Messi recovered on time, Veselthak face Deportivo La Coruna, on 15 October next, as quoted by "Reuters".

He commented Luis Enrique, Barcelona coach "I'm not a doctor and I can not provide any information, but when you get Messi we all lose .. football you lose."

How To Cook pasta Squash .

How To Cook pasta Squash .

                        Many folks likes to eat delicious and healthy food at an equivalent time-
 And  days concerning the means the work he loves his intake plenty of individuals however  somehow healthy and not harmful to human healty           

? How To Cook pasta Squash

If you are looking for a dish that is new and fun however still wholesome and diet-smart, provide pasta squash a attempt.

-Like the better-known-acorn squash, pasta squash area unit classified as winter squash, that simply implies that they are harvested within the fall and might be keep over the colder months. they are straightforward to organize and straightforward to enjoy!!

One of the most effective things concerning squash is that whereas they are low in saturated fat, steroid alcohol, and calories, they are high on nutrition. pasta squash could be a sensible supply of water-soluble vitamin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B complex, atomic number 19 and Mn. they are wonderful supply of dietary fiber; they assist the digestion work with efficiency and have a large "fullness factor" - a healthy serving to of squash can keep you feeling full and happy for a protracted time.
Uncooked pasta squash area unit massive and serious with a golden-yellow outer skin and firm yellow flesh. the important fun of pasta squash is just obvious once {they're|they area unit} done; the flesh of the cooked squash shreds into long strands that are considerably like skinny spaghetti!

Because the flavour of pasta squash is extremely gentle, they take well to most sauces and create an excellent substitute for alimentary paste. however they are sensible as-is, too: a well-cooked pasta squash with salt
, pepper,

 and alittle of butter could be a delicious and healthy treat.

Cooking pasta squash very easy could not be easier!

How To Cook pasta Squash:
 - kitchen appliance Method:
1- Use a pointy knife or sturdy pointed skewer to make "vents" everywhere the squash 
(this can keep the skin from explosive throughout cooking)
2- - Place squash in shallow oven-proof dish or pan and bake at 375 degrees for concerning one hour
. take a look at for doneness by inserting knife - once it slides in swimmingly with no resistance the squash is completed.

How to Cook pasta Squash On The Stove؟
1- place the complete squash into an oversized pot and fill with enough water to fully cowl the squash.
2- bring back a overboil high heat, then scale back heat and still boil for a couple of 0.5 hour, 
or till a fork are often simply inserted.

Preparing done pasta Squash: permit squash to cool down enough to handle Business Management Articles, then cut it in 0.5 lengthwise. Use a spoon to scoop of the dense space of seeds and stringy fibers within the center of every 0.5. - currently the fun part!!! Use a fork to carefully scrape the done flesh faraway from the skin. The done squash can separate into astonishingly spaghetti-like strands!

You can use the squash "spaghetti" as a straightforward side-dish with butter and seasonings (and maybe a shake or 2 of grated Parmesan) or with any of your favorite sauces.

-The final amounts

  • 1 medium spaghetti squash
  • ½ tbsp. olive oil   

  • sp. fresh basil, minced

  • ½ tsp. sea salt
  • ½ tsp. fresh ground black pepper

The method of work

Preheat oven to 375º -

Cut spaghetti squash in half and scrape out seeds with a spoon.

Brush each half with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Place each half on the pan with the cut side facing upwards.
Roast for 45-50 minutes.

While the squash is roasting, prepare the seasoning in a small bowl. Combine. ½ tsp sea salt, ½ tsp ground black pepper, and 1 Tbsp of minced fresh basil.

Remove squash from oven and use a fork to scrape out the "spaghetti".

Place on a plate or in a bowl and top with the basil, salt, and pepper seasoning. Enjoy.

عربي باي